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Reviews for "Fighter V.S Hulk1"

The only reason why is because I love your attitud

Well you kick ass. And you've kicked ass. And you will be kicking ass till the day you die. So cheers and kick some more ass please.
The school of what bordem does to people is run by this webmaster wannabe who does nothing but spreads kaka on newgrounds so keep on kicking because the message is subconsciously clear. Good guys kick ass on a daily bases. Good movie. Good principle. Good attitude. Some of the shit on New Grounds is too much senseless garble that not even a first garder could concieve of, well maybe the heroin and beer can guzzoling children would. But enough about that insensitive druling snot non-mutual nuritioning talk.

Peace & Love


The truth is that there is no path. And this is the path to take in life. The ability to practice sustaining 1 thought is to live in enlightened peace for as long as you can hold that thought. Choose wizely and good fortune will arrive to you because thinking of a path to take is a dead end. There is nothing to grow in and nothing to become. To deny what is there is ignorance embeded further inside. TO accept no path makes you more independent. Choice? Where does choice come from?

Dxkpower responds:

Thx cousin i did not know that you still went on newgrounds thx for the review i thougth ur computer did not have the internet?o well thx alot i will do my best im work in on 3 movie plus 1 game so look foward to them in a wile thx alot again

nice sprites

kool, u even got cyclopes in there... very nice.
the hulk was pretty cool, and so was the military stuff... nice work right there, and violence was pretty cool aswell... so yeh pretty good.

Dxkpower responds:

thx be aware fighter vs hulk part 2 will be coming up rlly soon man thx alot man


I thought it was ok..smoother animation is needed plus a change in music depending on hte scene would create a lot more impact (i have nothing against linkin park but in talky scenes it doesnt really work). Changed in character kinda pissed me off since what was there was instantly smashed into oblivian e.g. ok that was kinda cool ok back into character!



Dxkpower responds:

ok w/e you say i wont doit but meh

((( NOTBAD )))

Hey notbad, glad that you reviewed my movie so i thaught i would return the favor, and since i am here i will check out your other stuff, kinda big dl, but not to bad, keep up the decent work...


Dxkpower responds:

OMG YOU REVIEW MY MOVIE!this is a great honor man you kick so much ass!god the number 1 review in newgrounds reviewd my movie thx dude thx alot dude!:D

Practice makes perfect...

sprites were good, music was of good quality but lacked connection to the movie. Sfx would have been a nice touch and some of your text went offscreen. Other than that it was pretty decent, keep at it. Rome wasn't built in a day.

Dxkpower responds:

i did not see any off screen text and ya i now no how to reduce the music file size thx for the review

damn space bar im in my good for nothing school