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Reviews for "in my head"


I could say that that was the best thing i'd ever seen. But then i'd be a horrible, horrible liar.

nazibomb responds:

uh huh... nice name.


You blew any chance at a final saving grace....

when the last thing I see on this unmomentous flash:


Oh, Hey buddy...try to learn and spell or at least proofread your crap before you send it in to be ripped to pieces, it will save you some embarrassment...

nazibomb responds:

it's meant to be spelled like that. see my other movies for help in understanding.

hahahahahhaha TURD OF THE WEEK, assclown!


Plz ko us all a favor and never ever make another movie about anything related to your siccass mind you freak!!

nazibomb responds:

siccass... well, theres a new word.

I'll take it to mean: genious, talented, and reeking with ambition for great success.


I gave you a 10 on humor because it made me laugh my head off for how pathetic you were. And you also misspelled "end" at the end of the movie.

nazibomb responds:

edn was the way it was meant to be spelled. see my other movies for reference. and yeah, i'm so pathetic....

Exp. Points: 30 / 50

Sign-up Date: 4/17/03

Reviews written by c5oldude:
2 reviews available

Flash by c5oldude:
- none -

Music by c5oldude:
- none -

blam this

this is a total waste of space and time blam this shit

nazibomb responds:

you can't blam something that IS PASSED FUCKING JUDGEMENT.

you're either really fucking slow, illiterate, both, or you've got the same IQ as our homophobe from the last review.