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Reviews for "*What Have I Done? *"

great song

3 days that is pretty good and reminds me of a feeling of like regret and sadness like i am repentign for something i shouldn't of done.

KTRECORDS responds:

Yup, 3 days. I wrote it while i was taking breaks from my accounting homework. Maybe that's why it's so depressing, lmao. Regret was the main goal of the song, so I'm glad you see it that way too. Thanks!


What I think...

I am sitting on the moon. I had just witnessed the destruction of Earth. Tears stream down my face as I just sit there, regretting that I had ever left there. I told my self I will find whoever did this to my planet and bring them to justice.

Years later...

I walk slowly towards my death. The galaxy government branded me as a traitor because i had found out about their plan to build a "highway" and had tried to warn people of the planets they were about to destroy. The executioner ties a noose around my neck. I look up to the sky and i whisper my last words...

" Maria...I'm sorry..."

..."I'm sorry too..."

The executioner takes off her hood.... and there I see her...


She pulls the handle....and I fall....

We both regretted the same thing....we had to see each other at the end...

"But I forgive you..."

Anyways...this is a beautiful song. Amazing work.


KTRECORDS responds:

That was a pretty sweet story. I love the irony in the end. Kind of reminds me of Death Note when *spoiler* Ryuk write Light's name in his notebook. Very well done : ).


WWI: "The Great Horrible War"

June 30, 1919

Dear Mother,

The war is over, the Allies won. Right now in the trenches, soldiers are celebrating and being merry with their friends. People are getting drunk and are glad to go back to their comfortable home soon....so what! What is there to be merry and joyful. The horrors that I experienced in the trenches in the Eastern Front of France are undescribable and it is painful to see so of my friends, so many of them, lying down on the cold earth, motionless. There were so many dead, that we had to use them as sand bags to protect us from the German's bombardment of bullets, bombs, suicide raids. It is like coming back from Hell. I asked myself,'Why do fellow humans, no brothers, fight one another for something so meager as land? Why do we need to inflict pain? Why can't we just go home, to our families, friends, lovers, and rest in peace? Why God? Why do you let these things happen to us? Why God damn it! Give me an answer when I ask you too! WHY!' As usual, God never reply my answer even though I pray to Him endlessly throughout the war. I've met a young wonderful man who owns a little bakery store in his country. He had a beautiful wife and a 2-year old daughter named Adelaide. This person was strong and courageous. She will turn 3 by the end of this month. He promise that he will be there in time for her birthday and give her a small porcelain doll as her present. Unfortunately, Adelaide has to celebrate her birthday without his father because he was stab to death by an enemy soldier in the same trench that he and my friend was trapped in the no man's land during the bombardment. The enemy soldier who stab him to death was me. How could I confront to his wife that I killed her husband...how could I explain to little Adelaide that her father will not come for her 3 year-old birthday. How mother? You don't know what i'm feeling right now. How much pain, how much sorrow, how much despair that i'm feeling. In two days I'm to be departed back to Paris and leave this horrendous battlefield. See you soon mother.

The day after PFC Paul-Henri Satre wrote this letter, a German sniper assassinated him behind his head...while giving this letter to his superior, to be sent to Paris, France.

KTRECORDS responds:

Jeez holy crap damn wow O_O!


hmmm, story eh?

superman successfully wins the fight, but it mortally wounded. when he awakes from his death, he floats above his grave and watches all the people at his funeral. it is very sad for all who knew and loved him. it focuses on luis's face, just below the eyes so you couldn't see them, and you see a tear run down, fall off her cheek, and land on her black dress. superman then looks up and sees his comrads who also fought the monster that almost ended the world and fell. even Goku is there. he slowly floats up to join them, looks back almost reflexively, and a tear of his own starts form. the camera follows it and it goes slow motion and it falls on luis's dress as well. she instinctively looks up and begins to smile.



KTRECORDS responds:

Oh man... even the man of steel dies? It's cool though. At least he gets to hang out with goku. So everyone one is happy in the end, lol. Thanks for sharing!


The last soldier stood...

He picked up his wounded brother, the only other man left alive after this gruesome battle, and began to walk. Where he was walking to he couldn't be sure; even his home had been destroyed. Yet he walked. Was it in hopes to find some other person yet alive? Was it in hopes to find some livning plants or surviving animals to sustain them? Water to clean his brother's wounds? Or was this the end? Maybe, just maybe, there was nothing left living in the entire world, and he was walking, not to save himself or his brother, but to meet the Lord of Death in the Land of Doom. Perhapse he was just running his energy out of his bones to come to a swifter end. What dignity is there in being the only two still alive? Even his brother had no right or means to live. They had talked for many years of the days when the world would end, and that day had finally come. With no life upon it, even the Earth would soon sieze to exist.

KTRECORDS responds:

Wow, that's quite an image! And it's cool because it leaves it up to the reader to decide what caused all the eents in the first place. Very good read, thanks for sharing!