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Reviews for "WTF"


Although I don't really like your limbless and torso-less characters, that didn't get in the way of what it a rather amusing storyline.

Sound effects were short and well chosen, and the twisted nature of the plot made it a bit of a giggle to watch.

Good stuff!

Keep it up,


im usually not much for short movies but that i like... even though the graphs are basic its well animated and drawn, im guessing this is judt your preffered style. i agree, i think you should definately make a sequel or two :P

if this was a real movie no1 would go see it

the violence is the only good thing about this movie the rest is just bullshit

unownedJR responds:

Hey Fuckass!

1) What would you know, I mean seeing that so far EVERYONE who has written a review has made it a good (thanks a lol by the way)

2) You don't even have any of your own animations, ya fuck'n noob

3) Your only favourite movie is halloween ressurection......LOL!

4) Go play with yourself you shitty litle adolescent brat

5) And if it was a real movie you would be the only person to see it because you probaly don't have a life

6) your probaly not actually 13, might be some 42 year old paedophille with no FucKKK'n life

The Macintosh Computer Hater Says...

The only thing I didn't like was that the guy at the end shot the camera. I mean, come on! Free camera!!! don't shoot it, take it! if you don't want it, pawn it!

Otherwise, nice flash. better than what i could do drunk, which would be nothing, since I don't know flash.

unownedJR responds:

uhhhhh, see, there's a problem there, what the fuck would a cartoon character do with a camera that is non-existant, I mean, maybe in common sense that counts, but everything is void in a cartoon world


Eh.. not great

Wasn't really funny, try harder

unownedJR responds:

you know you shouldn't review all of my crappy submissions. the only people that do that are the ones that want an excuse to lash out for no reason....you really want to look like that?

but i do agree with you on this one, loads of people wrote reviews saying it's funny but i really didn't like it that much. i wouldn't want to try much harder on this style of humour or animation.