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Reviews for ".:Descent Into Hell WIP:."


Even though this is still work in progress, I think that this already is (or at least going to be ;) ) a great song.

I like the slow intro with the piano, it is played very well and those deeper notes there really fit.
The drums are done very good, too. But they sometimes outpower the rest of the instruments (especially the snare drum).

The guitars is done good too, even though it now sounds pretty awful with this digital guitar ;) . I would really like to help you out with a real guitar here, but sadly I have now way of recording my guitar :( .

{ Review Request Club }

GronmonSE responds:

Me neither D:

I might redo the drum work, not sure.

Thanks for the review!


The piano intro and outro work really well with the rest of the song even though they contrast so much. The transition from smooth slow piano to depp thumping melody is done very effectivly and though this is a raw compositon i can tell from this so far that its going to be very good. Keep up the good work!

[Review Request Club]

GronmonSE responds:

Thanks for the review :D

A little more length.

- Good stuff -
The intro build up was very effective to the song and it certainly made me enjoy the song alot. The way there was constantly going on. It looped rather well because there was both the same ending.

- Bad stuff and improvments -
Although I said the looping was good it was a little too similar.

= Review Request Club =


I really liked this song, quite good, nice build melodic piano build up that eminates throughout, and leads to quite a nice rocky song, good job. I really liked the guitar work even though it was a little too high pitched for my liking. And topped off with a good beat, obviously a winner :D

=Review Request Club=

me is a piano fan

I lve what you did hear, didn't really liked the fast part. Try putting velocity changes on the drums to make them sound more realistic. good job.
