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Reviews for "Monkey Surprise"

Monkeys= Cool

Got a love the monkeys

monkeys need more rubber sex dolls!

thank you for adressin the social problem of monkeys lackin rubber sex dolls. You are man of great social understandin for less fortunate primate cousins. Make another one!


man....relly funny!!! first i thought he would poo in toilet i was wrong...then i was right with the ''baloonmonkeygirlsextoy''....then i thought he would pick his nose but i didnt understand the last one was it like a stripper??or maybe a bar danser??

i liked that monkey

i looked at all the surprises but i found that number 2 was the funniest with the doll.pretty good though it could haved a bit more interactivity.my brother found them all funny and hes 7.

Cool but...

Yep loved it would've gotten a 9 or maybe a 10 from me but i hate RAP...
Sorry man...