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Reviews for "NG Hates Pube Muppet"

ok......it's alright

I'll give you credit to the fact that you are stresing that many NG users are very annoyed about the existence of Pube Muppet. I personally do not like PM. In my honest opinion, PM has been taken past the limits of the NG pornography tolerance. One submission that was blammed was known to contain references of child porn and child rape. I wonder how much further does PM have to go to get the attention of the admins? Who knows?

CandleClock responds:

Nobody knows....

I Hate Pube Muppet so much

I wish people would stop submitting Pube Muppet stuff all the time. There is a certain amount of rambling on about disgusting sodomy whatnot this site needs, and we are well over quota on Pube Muppet.

CandleClock responds:

Pube muppet has reached his quota...yes...but he is still going! He loves to entertain!

If they hate Pube Meppet,

Why'd they blam my submission Death to Pube Muppet yesterday. I know it wasn't that well done but it was the first I know of

CandleClock responds:

i dunno....guess you gotta practise more....

Your damn skippy!

That was to quote my best friend. There's a very good reason why Newgrounds users hate Pube Muppet, or rather, why all Newgrounds users should. It's pointless, trivial filth that should be banned from the site as was Tricky the clown. The graphics are shoddier than the worst stick figure animations ever submitted (anyone else catch and blam the deluge of "Boris's Mom" submissions?), the sound quality is absolutely atrocious, and the dialogue goes out of its way to be offensive for no other reason than to be that offensive. For some reason, the various authors are making some kind of correlation between feces and homosexuality to an extent that is disturbing, disgusting, and as I said, offensive. Also, it lowers the bar. People see this on the site and think that this is all Newgrounds is about, and submit works that is either more Pube Muppet, or on the same shitty level graphic and sound-wise. Yes, programming flash is hard. I can't even do it! I don't know the first thing about programming! I'm impressed by anyone who is able to put together a submission for Newgrounds. Yet that doesn't mean we have to put on a pedestal for all time every trite little thing that somebody slapped together and spat out onto the site. Yes, in most cases it took a great deal of effort for a person to get that on the site, but that doesn't automatically earn it a place here. The people who are good at it, who get on the home page, didn't get there overnight, but that doesn't mean we need to preserve their first steps when we've got all their crowning achievements.
For some reason there is a little band of immature little snotty punks who think they're the coolest shits alive for polluting this site with this abominable excrement, and they and God knows how many other 12 year old numbnuts out there jump to protect the latest submissions leaving the rest of us stuck with them. Unless, of course, enough high level users with the sense God gave a screwdriver get together and blam them repeatedly, on a day by day basis, until every last one of the little f****ers is gone from the site.


disgusting, kind of funny, and the "CLUNK" when strawberry hits him...and strawberry clock is NOT king of the portal...9srry) more like a noble...or baron...or maybe count...perhaps earl of the portal?? anyways, other then the "clunk" it was pretty stupid