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Reviews for "Bullet Hell"

the drop at 1:40 is the best part. The mellow parts are also pretty nice. in general I like how frantic and disjointed it feels. But i think it could be a bit faster and even more style switches, especially in the drops, you could have went even further. Still, it's very fun to listen to and has many enjoyable sections

I like the frantic synths at the beginning. The transition at :08 was a bit jarring, though. Very different soundscape there than just a few seconds before, and you do the same thing to me at :32. It’s like I’m switching the dial on the radio constantly throughout the piece.

The more mellow section at :56 (and other places) has a better sense of balance and melody than the one with the frantic breaks, but the sound design is still a bit cheesy (especially with the piano), and the reverb is a bit too heavy to keep all the instruments sounding distinct in the mix.

The busier section at :32 (and other places) has some catchy beats and cool sound design, but is also very internally disjointed after switching between the sub-sections with the heavy bass and the cutesy, frantic synths. By 1:42, you do a good job of integrating elements of both of the main sections, although the mellow section’s melody gets a bit buried in the mix by 1:55 or so. I also think some of the compositional details and effects, like the ascending chiptuney thing at 1:50, are a bit too loud.

I like the tempo automations at 2:15 or so, but the rough transitions keep on coming, and you also don’t do a lot to create variety in the main riffs over time - even a key change or slight variation in the melodic pattern would help give this piece a stronger sense of progression over time. The downtempo groove at 2:55 was probably my favorite part of the piece, actually, as it offered a bit of much-needed variety here.

Overall, you have a lot of good individual ideas here - from the rich atmosphere of :08 to the rhythmic content at 3:18 - but you need to do more to integrate the ideas together in a smooth and gradual way. The arrangement feels very disjointed, and over time I’m getting whiplash trying to keep up with all the sudden shifts in mood, instrumentation, and energy level. That sense of frequent, abrupt mood shifts might’ve been your intention behind the piece, but I personally don’t find it very enjoyable. Sorry!

For what it’s worth, I think you clearly have a good sense of harmony and rhythm. If and when you make another piece that reflects my feedback here regarding the transitions, sound design, and mixing details, feel free to send me a PM, and I’m happy to leave you another (hopefully more positive) review. I hope this review doesn’t come across as discouraging - from the section between 1:36 and 1:42, I know that you know how to make smoother transitions. I just wanted to see the whole piece reflect that.

Keep at it, Rougetoad49! ^_^

Mixing, mastering, and balance
Structure, transitions, phrasing, and variety
Melody, tonality, harmony, and texture
Instrumentation and sound design
Emotion, atmosphere, and catchiness
Originality and uniqueness
Overall (how do the elements above interact?)
Composite score

MYYA responds:

I had some balls using this as an audition, that's for sure. Given what you're grading it on, I probably should have thrown another song at you instead but eh, you live and you learn.

I suppose my goals here were not really in line with what NGUAC is all about. Most of the things you're docking me points here for were actually intentional choices, barring mixing. I know nothing's gonna be reconsidered, but I kindof regret using this song as my audition. Oh well.

Thanks for listening to it and writing all that anyways. Surely I'll do better next year.

15 sec -- WTFFFFFFF. Surprise!

I'm actually not the biggest fan of the drops at 48 or so sec not because I don't like your breaks, but those chords are so cheesy in comparison to your slower sections.

The hardstyle sections are also wilding out.

1:39 I like your writing of your breaks but would swap snare samples prior to the drop.

Section around 2 min is well written and produced but needs a cleaner mix. Snare up, bass down a bit, and lead perhaps given a chorus, clipping, delays, maybe even a pan and tremelo.

Overall, a lot of talent displayed here, just needs some refining touches on mix. You really went all in. Great work. Thanks for coming out to NGADM!

Good shit

wtf who put the score dis low wadaheeel