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Reviews for "AIM - Bellowers of Grief"

(disclaimer: AIM judge review here! these are just my opinions and thoughts, you can take from them whatever you like! music is subjective and all that. <3)

very lovely orchestral writing. mournful and slow-moving and full of space. the couple of big swells are very thoughtful and well-positioned; i love how they are just little moments of contrast that blow in for a moment and then fade back away. the tone really does set a far-off, frigid isolation, and this would make for some really wonderful background music for a scene in such a setting as your chosen artwork. you paint well with the orchestral colors; i like what you chose to feature, such as the clarinet, and your string writing. as far as i'm concerned you really nailed the vibe you set out to accomplish! let's get you a video game to score, eh?

Everratic responds:

Thanks for the review and for judging :D

I'd love to score a video game!

This is wonderful. I love orchestral music so much, haha. Not only is it fun to listen to, it's also fun to make. Best of luck with the NGUAC!

Everratic responds:

Thank you!

I was not expecting to hear something this professionally made! I'm impressed!

Everratic responds:

Thank you!

AIM 2023 Judge Review

I'm really impressed by your entry this year. What stands out to me most is your attention to detail in drawing inspiration from the art inside and out. For such a painted landscape, I feel like the most obvious portrayal would be to incorporate ambient sound effects like wind blowing or crunching footsteps in the snow. I'm not saying these wouldn't have worked in a piece inspired by this art, but I think it should be commended that you managed to reflect this image using a large ensemble of orchestral instruments.

Not only did you draw inspiration from the image for the composition and instruments, but I love that the mix was factored into honing in on the right atmosphere to depict the art. Everything has this muted, sort of hushed quality that reminds me of the silence heard when standing out during a heavy snowfall. It works so well to convey the snowy mountaintops and serve as an effective backdrop to the character's journey, which still feels like the main driving force of the melodic ideas being explored.

I also really love the way the sections progress. At 1:14, the clarinet lead-in seems hopeful - as if the journey ahead is rough but it's going to be fine - and I like how that eventually culminates into a louder more definitive idea that, to me, feels completely desolate. The mountain continues to loom tall; the character continues trudging forward. Then the clarinet comes back in again and it almost seems like again, there is hope, but the final part with the strings shuts that hopefulness down - at least, that's how it came across to me, and I think that does seem to tie in with the description provided in the art.

Overall, I believe you used your strengths in orchestral composing and mixing to be so in-tune with the art, from the visuals to the description and the journey beyond. Although the experience only lasts about 3-and-a-half minutes, it felt like every second was perfectly attuned to this mountainous landscape.

Everratic responds:

Thank you so much for this detailed review! And thanks for hosting again!

Haunting! I love the atmosphere at the beginning and the furtive piano shortly thereafter. The strings are warm and rich-sounding, and the mood is alternately filled with wonder and tranquility. The piece is a tad slow to develop at times, but I love the subtle key change and the dark string riffs at 2:02. You're really playing up the dynamic contrast and cinematic flair of the piece by the woodwind solo at 2:30ish. Really captivating work, Everratic. The way you use the music to tell a story has grown into one of your strongest qualities as a musician. Best of luck in AIM! ^_^

Everratic responds:

Thanks for the review!