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Reviews for "AIM - Windmills"

(disclaimer: AIM judge review here! these are just my opinions and thoughts, you can take from them whatever you like! music is subjective and all that. <3)

this is a really sweet, hopeful, emotional tune. the music feels very open and wide like how i feel looking at the artwork you chose! it's a nice fit, especially when the big drums start laying it down. i want to go running around these plains now. i love the windy field recording too haha, i am a big sucker for field recordings in music; super evocative!

there are a couple things i think could make this piece even better -- the first is shaping your lines more. the piano for instance could use variations in the note velocity (and even note length) to feel more human; a pianist won't be playing every note the same nor will they be playing at max velocity in hardly any cases. things like gradually raising and lowering velocities, alternating strong/weak hits, and emphasizing the important notes of the phrase will go a long way; for instance the main rising piano line sounds like its destination is those 3 high notes, right? so you could make the notes crescendo up to them. i think the supporting strings could benefit from a more delicate touch too, especially with their volumes; strings that swell and fade create a lovely, heartstring-tugging drama. FL's slide note feature would help you out with that, since slide notes can gradually move from the initial velocity to your slide note's velocity.

the other thing i wanted to point out is that you could develop your ideas some more. i can tell you've got a good ear for the right pacing of the song overall because there are high and low points in the intensity of the arrangement (stuff like the drums coming in and cutting back out), but you could also stand to write some contrasting material too rather than playing with the same parts. a "B section" to contrast this "A section", would go a long way... one of the first things i'd try would be something focusing more on the strings without piano for contrast. and ideally, some parts of the song could have a different "harmonic rhythm" i.e. how quickly or slowly you change chords/harmonies. this could introduce some tension or excitement for the listener; and while i understand you're aiming for a peaceful vibe here, i think you can stay peaceful while still developing your composition thoughtfully!

AIM 2023 Judge Mini-Review

While not the best in terms of production, I think you really nailed the theme and emotions. It associates very well with the illustration you picked.

Also, I think that melody just encapsulates the vibe really well, and it being repetitive almost feels like the passing of time.

Solid job !

P.S. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure I judged your submission on last year's NGADM :)

ChordsInMotion responds:

Thanks for the awesome mini-review! Appreciate your feedback :)

Also, Quarl reviewed my entries last year as a judge :P
EDIT: Just realized you were talking about NGADM. Now I'm not sure so I'll take your word for it lol

AIM 2023 Judge Review

I think this entry, compositionally, captures the grand outdoor landscape reflected in the art. The choice of piano, strings and timpani work well off each other to create an atmosphere that is uplifting with slightly melancholy undertones. I especially love that piano melody playing in 4/4 with the underlying string instrument that sounds like it's playing a 3/4 layer. The delay in hearing the string reach the strong beats helps to add that overall motion while setting the scene.

The one thing that held me back from fully enjoying this piece was the execution of the production and the dynamics. I wasn't hearing a lot of phrasing that would have helped to finetune the way the piece builds and flows. The piano also sounds a bit too thin and MIDI to really hold its own as a bass note and counteracts the composition and structure working to evoke such grandiose feelings.

I also would have liked to hear another layer that more closely complements the lower percussive piano notes the same way the piano melody and strings play off each other. When they were introduced, the repeating piano notes were fine, but as the piece progresses, it feels like there could have been more done to ensure they don't stick out so much.

Overall, I can tell this entry was very closely inspired by its art and I like the way the repeating melody progresses.

I think this music really matches the art well. You seem to be doing extremely well with soundfonts, despite their limitations. It shows that you are really good at evoking a specific emotion in your composition.

Keep it up!

This is very well composed! The only places I see you losing any points are production and relevance, but only minimal losses :)

The artwork has a sort of post-apocalypticness to it, which is a little juxtaposed to the hopefulness in this song. It does come down to interpretation however.

ChordsInMotion responds:

Hey, thanks for the awesome feedback :)

I thought having really deep piano notes would've helped with that problem, but I agree, it does sound a bit too hopeful given the review on the Art lol

Thanks again, and I'll check out your entry at some point in the near future B)