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Reviews for "Hellscape"


ADR3-N responds:

Tyty. Before I opened this project, it was sort of a throwaway idea. I couldn't seem to finish it. I'm glad everyone seems to think it's cool :)

If you like this, you may also like Lockdown Override from my catalog, or Tension (though it is old-old). I have some new projects coming down the pipe too, including getting out all my unrecorded vocal backlog via replacing my vocals with AI, and got a new single out on my newspage since I can't upload it until I get a mechanical license for an interpolation.

I gotta get out of here though. I've already said too much haha. Have a good one!

Мне под это хорошо представляется чтото типа стелс миссии в игре с постапокалиптическим сеттингом, где роботы пересели за руль. Крутой эмбиент, ну или синематик.

ADR3-N responds:

Ну, да или детектив, разведка, киберпанк, что угодно. Было весело делать песни вне типичной для меня стили


i like it!

Yep, perfectly fits to the horror game! Great job!