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Reviews for "Behind the Portal: B"

You’re trying to hard to be clever.

Overall your flash isn't bad but this clock thing is annoying.

Saying What Now?

Ok, this was short for a start. It had an original idea which I don't think you executed very well.

Virtually all your graphics were traced to vector horribly, even the bitmaps themselves would have had a smaller filesize than doing that. You drew little more than a few pictures, because the StrawberryClock wasn't your's either.

You must use the worst TTS program on the earth. It was far too fast to hear without the text being there, which was often out of sync and started either too early or too late, usually the latter.

The humour and the idea where both there, and the method of how he created B made me giggle, but then you spoiled the entire humour with the unnecessary swearing. You don't need to swear for a movie to be funny, and often it kills the rest of the humour surrounding it which was the case here.

Put a little more thought and care into your work instead of rushing an idea which would have worked much better if you'd taken a little more time developing it. There's no point to humour if it isn't presented well.

MacintoshClock responds:

1) I'm not the only one who uses traced bitmap backgrounds. Many other users, including fellow Clock Crew members, use this sort of background all the time.

2) I purposely made the voices a little speedy to make it funnier.

3) This is Newgrounds, not elementary school. If you have a problem with the swearing, I suggest you leave this site. Most of the movies here are intended for mature audiences who won't get in trouble if their mommies catch them watching a movie with potty language in it.

4) B is so cool.

Pretty funny, but...

The graphics were hideous. Trace bitmapping is a BIG no-no. And why do you guys insist on using that shitty StrawberryClock FLA that ClearClock made? That black to red gradient makes me sick every time I see it.

The jokes were pretty funny. Unfortunately, the dialogue was WAY too fast. Slow it down a bit.

My only other complaint (spell check?) would be the speech lines (now a triangle for some reason... when did that happen?). It didn't animate correctly. It just stayed in one spot and rotated to the side a bit, instead of moving in a semi circle on three key frames, like they used to.

Call me old fashioned, but I believe in sticking with tradition when it comes to Clock Movies.

A funny, but unrewarding experience. Keep up the good work!

I share the same opinion as HardJudge

request denied.

Clocks are terrible

Clocks were King of the Portal before, but they AREN'T ANYMORE!! There's a reason for that. People are getting tired of them!! There shouldn't be a clock crew, cuz all the clock movies are horrible and should be blammed!!