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Reviews for "Bush Bash 4 Dictionary"

I'm sorry but this really was stupid.

First of all, Bush winning the election had nothing to do with the Supreme Court, it had to do with America's bullshit Electoral Collage. Popular vote doesn't mean squat down there. All you have to do is win enough support in the cities to win over a state. Al Gore lost after Florida's points went to Bush, but Gore called for a recall, Bush still won the state, and win the election.

In your Diplomacy section, it was the American people and comedians who created a massive rift with France by boycotting French products and renaming food like french fries and french toast to Freedom Fries and Liberty Toast. Now the American people are saying there should be an international force in Iraq to relive some American forces from the post-war dirty work? Many people around the world are laughing at the U.S. because you act all tough and insult your friends who won't help you and then you beg for some help after you noticed that you need some support when you get into a rough spot you can't back out of.

In your constituency part, I must tell you one thing, Shell is not an American company. It has it's world Headquarters in Holland.

Your transportation part, one million dollars is pennies to the U.S. government, I wonder how much money did the government could have made if Bill Clinton kept his pants on? The Clown part, that was a waste of space. You should see how many wierd faces you make when you take a picture of yourself while you are talking. At first, yes Dick Cheney played boss before 9-11 but after Bush took charge into leading a war against terrorism, he also attempted (like other Presidents before him) to bring peace to the Middle East, it almost worked until terrorist blew up a bus. Oh yeah, who was leading the U.S. when Clinton was caught up in the sex scandal? Vice President Al Gore. The clones part, what was the point of that? Bush Sr. led an international take back of Kuwait. About ten years later, Bush Jr. invades Iraq for uncomfirmed reasons, if it is for oil, great! Cheap oil from the Middle East is a great way to boost the economy, the auto, energy, airline, and tourism industry will grow in leaps and bounds. Okay... what problem do you have with Texas? It is not only the second largest state, it is your second largest lifeline if oil imports get cut off for some reason. Do you really need me to tell you what an act of terrorism is? What the hell are you talking about with the "is" thing? He gave a clear (faulty, but clear) reason of invading Iraq, Iraq might be building and selling Weapons of Mass Destruction. If the weapons are hidden, Saddam did a good job in hiding them. For all we know, they may have sold them to terror cells or nations already. (North Korea, Syria, Iran, Saudi Arabia, etc.) I have to agree with you on the Exemption though.


TheOtherTruth responds:

Thank you for your review.

I always appreciate your reviews commander, but I must respectfully disagree with you.

The Supreme Court of the United States did make the crucial decision in the presidential election. As I am sure that you know, the Florida supreme court offered what should have been a definative decision in the matter (which, by the way, still did not guarentee a Gore victory). It was a Florida matter that should have been dealt with in Florida, so in fact, The US supreme court stole the opportunity for this election to be resolved correctly (which might have still been for Bush). We will never know.

2nd, a million dollars may be pennies to you, but it is NOT for me. I pay taxes, and I do not want them recklessly spent to bolster his public image. If these are just pennies to spend, send them to me.

3. My point with the French and Germans (and Canadians for that matter), is that it is not the job of the United States to impose our will on another freely elected nation. Unless you wanted our president to run your country.......I didn't think so. Addtionally, it was Donald Rumsfeld and the Bush adminstration who fostered the anti French sentiment by being rude to the Europeans publically, and then not reassuring our public that it was just a disagreement in ideals

4.Of course Shell is not an american company. The point is that Bush is a supporter of big business and big oil at the expense of the public. (I guess I could have used a different company, but I wanted to drive the oil thing home)

5.Clinton with his pants down?!?!?! is nobody's business but Bill's. Whether you disagree with what he did, it had nothing to do with his leadership skills. All but a handfull of presidents had mistresses. This is not important.

6. The "is" comment could have been left out.