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listen in my country America which it looks like your from you Must Respect everyone and that flash was racist.

I dont know what furries are But i do know if you hate them and you want to express it do it elsewhere...

if a furry is a human and they seen this it would be a threat to them....

So please Moderator remove this abusive and racist flash off newgrounds


That was pointless. And annoying. The fact that none of the lines kept still started hurting my eyes. And what was the main character's reason for killing the dog thing and the rabbit thing? I didn't catch it, if it was there.


What the f***ing hell is your damn problem bitch?!? Don't you know that furries are people with feelings TOO?!?!? Oh no, don't think that!!! Make instead some hateful piece of shit drawn badly to "try and teach furries a lesson". Like Pete117 said, "the hating of a group of people can only lead to one thing, crappy animation and explosive heads". Couldn't put it better myself.

Oh yeah, Mr. King_Spaz, do some research before saying furries jack off to Lion King ya dumb shit!!! The furry fandom isn't about sex ya know!!!

ONE MORE THING!!! It is now my sworn duty to make sure this piece of shit crap is blammed off the face of the Earth (or at least from NewGrounds)!!!

Your gay for hating UK.

Your a fag... that is all. Oh, and my flash pwns yours. W00t for furries.

Now this is just plain stupid!

Ignoring what the movie is about, I will commence review of the movie itself: From the time the title appears, everything is all wiggly! That really annoys the eyes of people who watch it, and honestly, the horrible title alone almost made me wanna close the window! Next time, make things more solid, and not make it look like it was drawn with worms! Sound was minimal, no effects, and only real thing it looks like you put effort into was the bullet scene, and even that sort of looked half-assed! If you're so hateful of something, at least go about hating in a SMART way so that you don't end up looking like an idiot! However, I suppose even doing that is going to cause a lot of contraversy...

Now for the content itself... I've seen all the furry stereotypes, and since I have friends who are furries, I can confirm that they aren't true! Some are like that, but there's a good many who aren't, and obviously some people just aren't willing to look past what little info the media gives on the subject and immediately labels them all as bad. Try actually LEARNING about something before making hateful stuff about them, and you'll see that stereotypes are generally always false!