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Reviews for "Bush Bash 1"

Good Fun

I'm not sure if its much more than one would see in the politics forums on the BBS, but its anti-bush theme never seems to get old.
The 2 anchor format was nice, though adding more animation or at least views of the anchors would be nice.

lol, grill that damn president

lol. That was real good. But Tasmania, not Tazmania next time. Cheers.

TheOtherTruth responds:

Thank you for your review.

I was thinking Warner Bros. when I got to thinking Taz-mania. I did know that the correct spelling was Tasmania for the island south of Australia (state as well, correct?). Side note: The Miller time clock was supposed to be an Easter egg, but I never quite got around to doing it.


Well I gotta hand it to ya i couldent have explained it better myself. Bush is a neo-con facist and once people realize that this world will be a better place. Its amazing how the media corrupts people into thinking our economy is "ok" or drilling in alaska (anywhere) is without concequences. Wow so fucking amazing.

TheOtherTruth responds:

Thank you for your review.

I am glad that you liked it, and share my views that Bush is running this country like the "Evil Empire"

If you liked this one, make sure to watch the rest of the Bush Bash series. The abuse only gets better!

Thanks again.

Bush is a moron and finally america is waking up.

I cant wait until that moron liar gets thrown out of the white house. He has killed thousands of people in a war based on lies.

TheOtherTruth responds:

Thank you for your review.

Maddening, isn't it! I watched Bush being interviewed be Tim Russert this morning (another person that I am not typically a fan of), but Bush just kept chanting his Mantra of lies and ignorance.

How did so many people not see through this guy before they voted for him?


I was just wondering how you got your rank so high, (not exp).

TheOtherTruth responds:

Thank you for your review.

WOW. You have reviewed so many of my movies that I will use this one as a response for all of them.

My movies are rated so high because I encourage people to keep voting for them even if they have already voted once. The only way that I have a chance of my movies becoming a "Classic of the Day" and reaching a larger audience is to make sure that they are rated high.

I'm glad that you liked George Bush in his career at McDubyas. If George manages to steal another election, you can probably expect more of the same.

My next movie is a swipt at the religious right called "Heaven or Hell", but I am unsure how long it will take me to get it done......so keep watching!