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Reviews for ":[ Foaming Foamy ]:"

you killed foamy you basturds!

he bit the dust sad he never got to live a good life. i hope he got that bagel and cream creamy cheese. poor little fuzzy jerk. never saw it coming


I thik you should let the man take care for his own and leave the poor cat alone


I won't say it was horrible. It wasn't the worst thing in the world and it probably had more humor and creativity than anyone else's attempt at Foamy (positive or negative), but you should create your own series and leave Foamy to their creator. With or without consent, it's like handing The Simpson's over to a different creator.

Otherwise, I'll be lenient since it wasn't some aimless piece of garbage.


To everyone reviewing, chill out and read. He said it's a FAN FLASH meaning he isn't picking on foamy.... Of course foamy doesnt sound the same or move as flash DIFFERENT ARTISTS.. It's suppose to be a simple little fan flash to honor Foamy, not to be a "Look at me I did Foamy better!" flash. Get over it grow up... Organize your nuts...

u copied my name

u fucking wanker u stole my name i will kill u in ur sleep