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Reviews for ":[ Foaming Foamy ]:"

this was fucking retarded

ok, im a Foamy fan, i love Foamy to death. he is my icon, my lord&master. but i have a very hard time believing you actually got consent to do this. first of all, it made no sense. wow, he was in a room, a green guy appears, and foamy starts bitching about Germaine. the guy then gives Foamy a cup and the squirel drinks. clouds *not foam* appear from Foamy's mouth. what the hell? i dont get it...it sucked. i wont be such a bitch as to give this cartoon a zero, because at least some effort was made.


well that really sucked....make ur own damn flashes and stop using other peoples hard work. and what the hell did it mean? some dude gives him a cup of green shit and he just starts foaming?

Umm, a little lame

That was. . . hmmm. Well, kinda lame. It was only slightly funny. But at least you tried.

You hardly did Foamy justice...

I have a few problems with this, for one... it makes no sense... two, Foamy moves too slow and talks too slow, nothing like the original cartoons... and three, half the time you can't hear or understand what he's saying... as stated in the Summary, You hardly did Foamy justice :l

good job

yeaaaaaaa foamy!