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Reviews for "Neo-Bender Sequel"


This is definitely better than 1.
But Why Bender????

writing as watching

writing as watching. the loading scean made me feel high wel all 3d writing does if it keeps moving thats y my screen saver is what it is. funny 1st voice. lol funny lapd voices be more experimental on names nice 3d action. nice wire frame. nice sound effects. word ass used alot. nice choise of pills thingy. chose wrong 1 and fell out of a window. -replays- waits for cops to surrender... nice metaphores... wtf ending for all 2 options cant choose red pill which sucks. Bad endind

Good, but the choices are stupid.

Nice 3D animation, but "crane"style? Does it always have to be that? At least make Neo-Bender stop saying the word ass. It's soo friggin' annoying, that even the LAPD have to use that word as well.


How the hell do you make everything go all 3D like that?! I want to learn how! please


Very well done. It seems that this cartoon takes the Philosophy of the first on a whole new level, but with the same end result as far as the concept. :-)
Also, Bender's freakin' hillarious here! :-D
Just as funny as in Futureramma!