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Reviews for ""Choice""

Underdog of the week?

Nice! The art was a bit crumby, but the idea was solid. So far I personally steer as far from drugs as possible, but I do have a few friends who're either ex or current heroin users. I mean, you want to go smoke pot once in awhile, fine, whatever. But heroin... damn, that shit's killer.

It's a good flash, but the art needs work. It loses some of it's power, you know? Up the animation quality and it could be amazing.

Ohhhhh, yeah. One more thing. Where's my cookie? ;)

It's ok.doesn't make a point, other than kill bugs

I think the title says it all..


a bit wierd. freaky

Hey, It's actually good

Well, the female anatomy is kinda crappy..But the Music is real awesome. I heard that if someones on drugs, they think crazeh shit and think that they're covered in bugs so they rip out their intestines and gorge out their eyeballs but i'm glad you went with the less violent but appropriate "Scratched herself to death". I'm guessing she's a prostitute for drugs... But why does she do all this when she has a boyfriend? Perhaps he dumped her ass or somethin... To put this to short terms, Good work.

Dwarfking responds:

Well, the reason I put the picture of her and her boyfriend, was basically so people could see how much her life changed from being on drugs, and not. The picture was apparently from a few years back, when she was a non-user. My idea was that her boyfriend left her, due to her addiction. Yea, anyways, thanks for the review!

This is freaky!

It really gave me a bad taste in my mouth!
And I never found out.... Where those cocroaches real, or were they in her head, because she was high??
Liked the music though...

Dwarfking responds:

Yea, they were just in her head. They felt so real to her though, she went completely crazy. Lots of people like the music.. Leftover Crack DOES own.
Thanks for the review.