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Reviews for "Marijuana is bad for you"

what was with the "rar" noise?

that was a fun one, ill probably not go out in a blaze'o'fire, O.D. for me!...note to stoners who watch this, no matter how bored, DONT SMOKE COFFEE BEANS...

Delusions :)

never saw that one coming hahaha

first time reviewing something and i liked the twist at the end...thought it was going to all serious about it but i geuss that is what i have to expect from newgrounds \m/

Everyone who has reviewed this entry is an idiot.

She didn't really die, it was just a joke on all of the anti-drug/harmless comercials and an easy way to make a unique flash in a couple minutes either from lack of motivation or lack of skill.

umm yeah..okay..

that was ..well interesting.. and well it was somewaht funny, but honestly.. im not impressed, and it only says to me.."get a better dealer"..lmfao

What the hell is your problem?

You seem to claim that weed was the cause of your friend's death, when the guy with a .45 was the one who opened fire on her and her friends. I assume the guy was either sober, or coked out, (maybe cracked up) because I've never gotten high and wanted to blast someone (who didn't have it coming to them.) And trust me, this is coming from a chronic stoner...

And what kind of shit was that? Using her character and emulating her death with it? Yea... You'll burn in hell for that one.

Have a nice day.