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Reviews for "study of fear"


I can see what you were trying to do, there is alot of stuff in there which may be disturbing, and I know certain people just respond strangely to flashes of certain images or quick flashes of many different images. Think thats actually a brainwashing technique...

Err, back on subject, this is Newgrounds though, and I kinda doubt that’ll have an effect on most people here. Like the way you presented it, and the stick window thing was neat... not entirely sure why I think that, guess it reminds me of Xiao Xiao. Not much else to say.

Needs some sound....

I don't know why you submitted this to NG, but oh well. It needs some sound to even slightly surprise someone, but its still a cartoon, and personally, the only person who you could scare with this would be my 2 year old cousin at 2am. Better luck next time, but do update it.


i dont think that anyone responded with an honest review sooooo here it is, how to scare bigmikehunt666

1. make sound dummy!
2. use real pictures combined with sound lol
3. dont use stickfigures when the guy fell out the window i really really didnt feel uncomfortable at all
4. improve art if you dont use real picures
5. do something like the ring which stir peoples imaginations
6. dont come to your viewer with a friendly appeal like "were you scared? did it make you feel unconfortable? please tell me. i'm studying fear and found many ways to scare someone... those are some graphical triggers"" i wish it works.!!" it makes you look stupid
7. when the eyes and nose appears i gotta admit that made me kinda feel uncomfortabale
8. when you saw the women with shackels come up at you it made me laugh, sorry
9. watch THE RING and RINGU for good ideas

respond to this review so i can feel like i did good for someone today

you have a good idea but.....

This wasn't scary at all. if u want 2 scare some one, make a movie or a game that will A) keep their focus on the screen. B) seem like it has nothing to do with being scary. C) have a screaming sound whe na disturbing image pops up. D) stay away from the hand drawn stuff, use images from sites like rotten. for a good example of what im talking about, chek out the ayeka dressup and push the red button.

Work on it

Could have been a waaayy better with sound and maybe better drawing and stuff.. im sure you'll make something great, keep tryin'.