A way to show the "Crow" story.
And all this thank to Brandon Lee.
this took 4 days to make. I'm getting a little bit of bad feedback for this. I'm taking it all into account, and plan to make up for it with my next release. thank you :)
A way to show the "Crow" story.
And all this thank to Brandon Lee.
whens it coming out
i like the crow movie the actually movie but whens this coming
Great Work!
I love this animation, i look forward to seeing more of your work in the future!
I love the crow theme, and the music in the background was good also.
pretty good
Ive seen better, but it was dark and violent, which was good
Not bad...
I picked up the Crow connection fairly quick... Too bad this wasn't T-Bird's nightmare and was added into the movie... woulda scared the tee-total sh!t outta him...