put sound next time!
oh and do not mess with a creature you don't know and cmon!Just do'nt!!!>_<
Sorry if there is no sound, I made this parod of poke'mon over a year ago, I would have submitted it sooner, but I just didnt get around to it. Enjoy!!
put sound next time!
oh and do not mess with a creature you don't know and cmon!Just do'nt!!!>_<
It would be better with sound!
But it was still pretty good! It had one point.. Don't mess with a creature you don't know about! And Tanooki_john, can't you take a joke?
A pointless Flash movie, that will teach us the fact that the maker of this dosent know anything about Pokemon.
The beginning is gay.
The end is good when that monster killed my fuckin enemy, Ash. It was cool the way how it killed Ash by transporting his head then at the end he repear Ash's head then threw it into the screen.
it's "beautifull" not "beutiful"
sick dumbass