This Dress up game is very empty. You really need to include at least thirty props in every dress up game.
I know some people bash dress-up's. But I wanted to make one for some time back in the days of Kiss viewers. I hope you like my art at least.
This Dress up game is very empty. You really need to include at least thirty props in every dress up game.
it's cool, but it need MUUUUCH more clothes and such... :)
i liked it alot
i like the graphics in this, they r really good. i think u shud try adding more clothes, then u cud make this a whole lot betta.
like the last guy said
needs work but the character is good
I dont kno y
Outta all the anime chick dress up ive seen, this has got be the driest, emptiest one i've ever seen, except... except the character looks like one that has so much potential, it looks as if u could easily make a good series around the charater.
All this dress up needs is some time, and work, and it could be as good as ne other, its a good haracter, but it needs work