Awww, like a bullet in the heart was the let down of this flash not as good as the others, it still was good just lacked...
Just one more episode to go now. This episode is mostly action, but it does setup the plot for the final episode. Also, be sure to check out the new section Fan Art section. Yes, this series has gained so much fandom I'm actually getting fan art now. Enjoy and I'll have the final episode up soon.
Awww, like a bullet in the heart was the let down of this flash not as good as the others, it still was good just lacked...
Better than Part 1 in many ways
Log 12: 7:38PM
The action was definetly better in this one. The bullet time sequence was not handeled perfectly, but I won't rattle you for it. The rest of the battle animation was moderate but passable
Jana's line about the high score actually made me smile. Good job with that.
Good place to end too, I actually really want to see the last part now
Where did all the info things go?
Those that were in Part 10....those should of stayed. Sweet ass plot now.
I like the war thats going on!
This was a cool one 2 watch!I enjoyed it alot!The 1st one in the series I have given a 10 to so far!
((( THE WAR )))
Nice work, i like the use of shadowing, great war thats going on aswell, i like the funny joke of i got the high score and the other guy is like ugh lol great humor, keep at this stuff it awsome...
MOVIE COMMENTARY: This one has some slight humor...