no w
no w
Virtually no animation and just text however the text appeared fluid and was legible the parts that were animated were pretty solid though and the ending with the guy dancing was smooth too.
That was pretty funny I never saw it comeing.
Once Again,
My faith in NG is crushed. How this could make it to a 2.12 would require some serious thinking time. You should make the text faster, part of any joke is that the punchline comes quick and swift, like a kick to the ass, thats what makes it funny. If you drag it out like you did, the joke isnt as funny as it would be if it were a tad faster, yknow? So for example, even though Gore working at McD's isnt that funny, it woulda been hilarious if you had made the cartoon faster and then BOOM, Gore in a McD polo pops up and we all laugh uncontrollably!
just a thought.
good work on the dancing gore thing tho, that was the only funny thing!
Vive la Dancing Gore!
Not a very good Flash, all around. Some text followed by a picture. Not funny at all, nothing we haven't debated before, and jokes mocking Gore because he (won the election but fell to a political coup and therefore) isn't the President are as overdone as a whore's makeup.
You get ten points for style because the dancing Gore on your credit screen made my day.