cool cars and cool gaame
M - toggle music
Each level controls a little different
cool cars and cool gaame
Fantastic work, this is a lot of fun to play, and I'm impressed with how many cars you managed to get in this game, as well as getting them all from different angles, that's dedicated for a game like this. Also the idea has a lot of charm, I'm a big fan of taking real photos small, everyday objects and animating them or turning into a larger piece of art, and making it playable adds a new level of flavor and fun. Also the idea of constantly changing game modes with fast pacing that you have to adapt to is a cool and fun game mechanic. Overall, absolutely fantastic, this will definitely be a go-to game for me here on Newgrounds.
This was very fun, my little brother would love this!
The Best Game Ever! How long dod it take to make this?