Good Attempt!
Good try! Next time, try to include a working preloader, and work on the lipsynching a bit.
I Submitted This Once... And Than I Took It Down.. Because I Got A Lot Of Low Ratings Due To The Sound Not Working So I Fixed It!!!! :) Hope You Guys Enjoy... I Spent A Long Ass Time On This
Leave Reviews (Constructive Only... Or Cuz You Like It :)... But If You Dont Please State Why Not.. Your Gay... Or Sumthing Stupid)
Good Attempt!
Good try! Next time, try to include a working preloader, and work on the lipsynching a bit.
((( FREAKY )))
Ha that was scary freaky, and strange all rolled up to one, but it made me laugh, and well i just liked the freakyness, keep up the good work...
delete this, work on another movie!
1)use a preloader instead of saing whait about 45 seconds, that really sucks
2) make the play buttom larger
3) dude, it was soo boring that I diden't watch it all
4) ya drawing isent bad, but the caracters sucks, try making just humans, thats better than some sort of worms :S
5) but you can see that you putt your ass out for this one!! thats one of the importants things!!!
that was it already, but I think ya could do better
Yeah, I Made This Along Time Ago And Didn't Know How To Make A Preloader OR A Proper Button Or Anything... And If I Redid It I Would've Lost The Sound Because I Didn't Have The Editing File Saved To My Computer... But Thanks For Leaving Something Constructive And Not Being An Ass Like FokkerScourge
Two problems
1 ) I couldn't read all the |_337 speech in the time you gave me
2 ) It was too immature for me. Some others may like it.
|_337? not too sure what that means... but thanks