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May take a long time to load the first time. If the game is running slow try changing your quality settings in the options

Pep-Pel is game set to release in October! Wishlist it on steam or follow the itch page if you are interested in the full release :)

[Steam Version] [Itch Version]

Play as Pep-Pel, a magician cursed to be a small red goblin, in this fluid and fast paced platformer!

Explore 8 unique worlds in the search of monstrous treasure chests that cursed her. Hundreds of hand drawn assets make up each world the player will travel to.

Try not to be too greedy, with hundreds of collectables in each level, and medals you can win for beating levels quickly!

Key Features

-Momentum Based Platformer: Pep-Pel is a momentum based platformer, where the player runs through large scale levels.

-High Replayability Value: The game is made to encourage the player to replay each level to improve how fast they can finish a level, along with having collectables in each level.

-Unique Level Mechanics: Each of the games 8 main levels have there own unique mechanic, including; candy projectiles, rope, lazers, chase mechanics, wind, water, and poison

-Robust Customization Options: Unlock many different costumes as you progress through the game. Costumes can be unlocked by beating levels or by collecting collectables.


Momentum Based Platformer

-Momentum System: run as fast as you can through each level to beat them as fast as possible. With a focus on building momentum as you play, skilled players will be rewarded by being able to move at extreme speeds through levels.

-Curved Surfaces: Curved and natural surfaces are a main focus of level design. Using a system that allow the player to move across any style of surface geometry, level design is not restricted to blocky pixel surfaces

-Movement Mechanics: Pep-Pel has a large variety of different movement mechanic. All of which can help the player move fluidly through levels.

-Fast and challenging: Players will die often so player deaths are made to be quick and satisfying, allowing the player to retry quickly. Armour can be found hidden around levels, this allows the player to survive one extra hit of damage before they die.



-Level Worlds: Every level exists in its own unique world, allowing level designs to be creative and involve anything that would be fun as a visual.

-Color Palette: Each level is designed with a unique color palette and style to make them visually distinct.

-Hundreds of unique animations: Pep-Pel is animated with over 150 unique animations. These are blended together in gameplay.

-Animation blending: animations are combined as the character moves to make character animation more dynamic and natural.

-Actually 3D!: Pep-Pel is animated as a unique 3D model using 2D stylization, this allows for more extreme and dynamic animations to be made.


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I like it

el goblino from doors:exsists
pepl-pel:ima ruin this man's whole career

This was a bit of an odd duck. I think the game has a lot of potential as a cool momentum-based platformer akin to something like Fancy Pants Adventures, but unlike something like Fancy Pants Adventures where everything felt so immediately intuitive and smooth, this one felt incredibly restrictive and frustrating to get used to its movement.

I understand it's all about momentum and going fast and yes, once you're doing that it goes alright, but the game is just so unforgiving as when it comes to making minute adjustments or recovering from slight mistakes or shifting directions as it's either impossible or laborious. The game just has a constant feel like you're simultaneously covered in sticky glue while also sliding on ice, and also feeling like you're weighed down while simultaneously in zero-gravity: it's just bizarre and hard to describe!

Things that should be simple like jumping precisely from platform to platform from a standstill leave you either jumping straight up and not going forward at all, or leave you jumping forward and most likely over/under shooting it, and certain moves like the double jump almost feel like a punishment you want to avoid using because it hits the breaks on your momentum and leaves you floating like a fool.

Now, I don't want to write off the game completely, as what we have here might be a situation like Resident Evil with its tank controls, where while the controls might be frustratingly restrictive, it's all done for a grander purpose and the game is designed around its limitations.

But still, there were a lot of moves that I wanted to pull off that I couldn't figure out if it were possible (for example, I wanted to detach from a rope I'm sliding down on midway, but pressing down and jump has me jump up and off the rope, not let go and go down) and there were a lot of controls that I had difficulty with grasping, such as the way the game handles curved surfaces like half-pipes or loop-de-loops.

When it came to those curves, it seems like the game is trying to be generous in that you just keep pressing whatever your initial direction was, which was confusing because my natural instinct was to alter the direction I was moving based on where I was in the curve, but this caused me to fall off the curve. Furthermore, the game is also a bit too sticky/attached when it comes to curves: once I reached the top of the curve and wanted to dismount, I'd press a new direction, but my guy would stay attached to the curve and move backwards on it instead. Basically it's the same thing as before: even when I tried my best to get used to what the game wanted me to control like, it still just felt so stifling.

Basically yes, once I spent a considerable amount of time with the game to both get used to the controls and know the levels beforehand, I started to have fun, but before that was an incredibly frustrating learning process. To me, it feels like a case where the levels and controls might work perfectly in the developers mind since they are already familiar with it, but they might not have been constructed enough to teach and adapt to a layman's diverse set of potential impressions and expectations, and could maybe do with either a bit of loosening up to allow for the wiggle room of making mistakes, or have a better tutorial/onboarding process to get us used to its intricacies.

As a side note: I do like the zoomed-out camera since it allows us to see ahead, but I felt bummed out that it's so zoomed out that we can't see our cute character's animations and expressions at all!

Ok ok, esse jogo é algo.
A situação é a seguinte: esse jogo é fantástico!
Primeiro que ele é simplesmente lindo. Ter sido, pelo que eu entendi, feito a mão deixa isso ainda mais incrível.
As mecânicas e e jogabilidade estão no ponto ideal, não sendo chato e/ou difícil de entender. Assim como a dificuldade que está desafiadora o bastante sem ser injusto.
Inegavelmente isso me trouxe uma familiaridade com Rayman. Não sei se foi proposital.
Tenho que me conter e parar aqui, porque senão vou falar mais e mais coisas que adorei no projeto. Pode ter certeza que vou ir atrás dele na Steam e claro, trabalho excepcional!

I wanted to make an excessively thorough review was this wonderful demo. But then I realised that the game is already out on steam. Great game, I think that some design decisions aren't the best. But I understand them, if you are speeding through level none og them will apply. GGreat game

Credits & Info

3.97 / 5.00

Jun 13, 2023
3:25 AM EDT
  • Unity