So, it was an overall OK straightforward game. I noted a few things while playing through it that could be improved. 1.The first enemy type you encounter is the most powerful and fastest enemy you encounter. It is also the only type that stands any chance of defeating you. Try making the other enemies stronger. 2. There is no way to refill magic. 3. Magic seems to do less damage than regular attacks making it pointless. 4. There are no items in the game, it would be kind of nice if there were. 5. You get gold, but there is no place to spend it in the game, would be a nice place to get items. 6. The desert where you go to 'capture the two guards', is very disjointed feeling. Path obstructions are random and don't look like they belong. Although this is purely aesthetic, it wouldn't hurt to make this area look a little better. Maybe just make walls or use cacti or something else. 7. You only capture one guard. 8. Inside of the mansion you face crabs. Fine, giant crabs whatever, but the fight scene takes place in what appears to be a desert rather than inside of the mansion. Additionally it briefly cuts to what appears to be an blank desert before you return to inside the mansion. Also aesthetic but still it would improve the feel at that point.
On a side note, perhaps they would have better luck getting considered for being an official squad/branch if they didn't call themselves kids. Maybe broken glass squad.. or.. company.. or something else that goes with broken glass (assuming they are hard set on broken glass). Just saying.
Overall though, I enjoyed the game, it worked and the story wasn't bad. Worth a playthrough, but could be better..