Art from within.
Art from within.
So many fucking references! Grim Fandango, Discworld, MediEvil, Yu-Gi-Oh, Soulsborne AND MYSTERY SKULLS?! Damn dude, what a fuckin' treat.
10 seconds in I was impressed by the animation
20 seconds in I was like "Did I just see the lich from loop hero? no way"
I loooooove all the references here and how tastefully it was all done. You basically just took as many skeletons as you could from different animation and gaming media, and they're all so well drawn an animated. Absolutely incredible. I can't say I'm crazy about the cover, it's good, but I just wish it was a little better given how great the visuals are that go with it. If you ever do an enhanced version of this down the road, the singer can also do another even better cover of the song. The potential here is wonderful.
Good animation, merry christmas
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