This made me laught Seriously It a good concept x)
LOL I made this when I was 11, but I added a fun surprise when you run into Sonic.exe.
HeLlo. SoNiC iSn'T HeRe RiGhT noW. He wAs duMb enoUgH tO leAve HiS LApToP HerE, Not ThInKiNg I wOulD Go On It. If YoU dOn'T liKe and LoVe This ProJeCt, I wIlL RiP OuT YoUr SoUls. HaHAHaHAHaHAHaHAHaHAHaHAHaHAHaHA!!!!!!! I came and voiced myself. Sonic.exe payed me to and he didn't kill me in the advantage. YAY. We all live!!!!!
(like I said, 11)
It's me, Sonic. Please trust me. I suggest you die (in the game) and then press e. Then die again and press r then just play it.
(I was still in, like, the 5th grade)
This made me laught Seriously It a good concept x)
i never saw this 💀
Anyways thanks :D
I'm actually doing a huge overhaul and adding some actual lore behind it so yeah. It might be done next year
not very fun, the physics are crapped up and sonic exe movement is scuffed, along with a very expected jumpscare that someone would've seen a mile away.
screw you
Ok so you tell me you made this when you were 11, are you 12 right now?
This is so bad and if you didn't "remix" someone else's project I'm sure the gameplay would've been the worst thing ever.
No I'm 13 and it took me a long time to do that so if you could stop judging that would be nice, I was in the 5th grade, that was ONLY two years ago.!
it's what you expect from a scratch game but annoying sounds once sonic.exe appears
Ha Ha