Oh teh lulz
I have to be frank: wasn't that good with the animations.
The fairly good timing, though, especially with the music, made it hilarious. And the ending. Oh, man, the ending. Brb, died laughing.
Good job.
This whole movie started by a mis-understanding of communication. So we ended up splicing two possible movies together. It's basically a bunch of songs set in the Starcraft universe. So you may want to let it load since there are a couple of songs, so it may take a bit longer on dial-up. So please enjoy, vote and review, and check out some of my other movies. Many people like them. Trust me. Laaaaaaaaaaaate.
Oh teh lulz
I have to be frank: wasn't that good with the animations.
The fairly good timing, though, especially with the music, made it hilarious. And the ending. Oh, man, the ending. Brb, died laughing.
Good job.
IT GOOD! |.o.o.|
But not great. There's some room for improvement when it comes to tyming up everything, but It's still pretty good. I'
m also going to be honest and say that I have expected to see marines performing one of Bhetoven's symphonies by shooting the shit out of stuff. :)
the zergs been teamworked??? LAME!!
\/ery good!
It's timing's a little off, though.
All it needs is a bit of tweaking and itl be awsome!