Either that file searching mission from that beginner decker chick is bugged, or the spawn rate for the file that's required is unacceptably low for a starter mission. Plus, I had to move my left hand over to my arrow keys in order to control things comfortably, which was... A bit odd. That second point's probably more subjective than anything, but I felt it worth mentioning anyway. Also, a piece of dialogue concerning another decker from that ork dude (I think it was him, at least) wasn't in English, even though everything else was.
Not a bad game aside from those three grievances, though. Touch things up a little, and I could see you getting a solid audience here.
Edit: Turns out there was a button for reading files in more detail on the main Cyberdeck screen that I didn't notice until today. A little inch in the right direction in that regard would've been ideal, in my opinion, but at least it's there, I suppose.
Other points are still present, though, assuming you ever release another update. If not, again, not a bad game by any means-- Just some petty niggles.