pretty good
alternative controls
acceleration: arrow_up, keyW or num8
break: arrow_down, keyS or num5
turn left: arrow_left, keyA or num4
turn right: arrow_right, keyD or num6
The browser might use the arrow keys for scrolling in which case those keys will not work in the game.
pretty good
A simple little game but hopefully somewhat entertaining to play. 🙂
you always stay at the bottom of the screen so if anything comes from behind you can't dodge it. the sfx are way too loud when you hit a pothole. getting hit once will sometimes make the sfx for that constantly play for no reason.
Drive fast and cars from behind is not a problem. Feature not bug.
Rotating skids is supposed to be a bit dramatic. Oil-spill not pothole.
All cars in the game can collide with other cars. Crash-sounds when the red car is not colliding comes from blue cars colliding with other blue cars or the truck.