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Idle Farming Alpha Release 1

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Author Comments

Suggestions and bug reports greatly appreciated!


"[LPC] Crops" by bluecarrot16, Daniel Eddeland (daneeklu), Joshua Taylor, Richard Kettering (Jetrel). Commissioned by castelonia.

https://opengameart.org/content/lpc-farming-tilesets-magic-animations-and-ui-elements - by daneeklu CC BY-SA 3.0 GPL 3.0

https://opengameart.org/content/lpc-crops - by bluecarrot16 CC BY-SA 4.0 GPL 3.0


https://opengameart.org/content/plants-and-flowers-pixel-art - by peony CC-BY 4.0

https://opengameart.org/content/made-with-opengameartorg-banner - by withthelove OGA-BY 3.0

https://opengameart.org/content/golden-menu - by Jannax CC0

https://opengameart.org/content/farming-set-pixel-art - by ScratchIO CC0

https://opengameart.org/content/mouse-hand-icons - by Cough-E OGA-BY 3.0 (not used just in the assets folder for later use.)


Discord: Mλrcykeeper#4220

Twitter: @Mercykeepers

YouTube: Rarefushion

Patreon: https://patreon.com/MCDisObey?utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter&utm_campaign=creatorshare This is a temporary Patreon as I'm setting up my personnel one.

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4 stars because i think pineapple takes a lot to load, also with melons, but the rest very cool

There is a lot of room for improvement here, considering that this is the first release of this game then you must have more features planned for this game.

Maybe more crops and tools could be made available.

Here are the bugs I encountered:

Farm Plots - Whenever the player is at an odd number of plots, a plot with a hole appears revealing the background. This is fixed whenever the player buys another plot to make the number even. This doesn't affect gameplay much but it can be initially confusing for players starting this game, it also isn't visually pleasing to look at.

Watering Can - I am unsure what the watering can does. I thought it sped up crop growth so I planted a 2 rows of pineapples and watered one of them to test. They grew at the same rate. So if it does help growth, it the effect is not very noticeable.

Negative money - I managed to get $-47, I'm not sure what caused this bug. I had $153, then I clicked the melon, then I clicked the farm plot, then I clicked the tilled soil. So I'm guessing that it registered the cost of the farm plot which is $200 instead of the $150 cost of the melon. It also didn't plant the melon and it wouldn't let me plant anything else so it forced me to reset.

Also I don't think the save and load feature is functioning properly. Every time I loaded it would send me to the start of the game.

Suggestions that I have:

Scaling - I feel like the player gets their 2nd farm plot too late in the game, since the melon is the 2nd to the last crop that the player would get. I think the player should get it earlier, like after selling a bunch of carrots or beetroots to speed up progress a bit when starting up.

Visuals - The sprites are nice but I think there a better indication when crops are harvestable. Also I think it would be nice if there was a toolbar or shelf on the side where the tools that you have would be place. So when the player gets the rake and watering can, those tools don't have to sit at the bottom.

Farm Plots - It seems like the player is capped at 20 plots, with the cost of $7400 for the next farm plot that the player can't seem to get. I think if the player is at max plots, then the option to buy more should disappear.

Item descriptions - It would be nice to have descriptions for the items that the player can read before purchasing them. So the player can decide what item they would want to go for first. Also it would help the player know how to use the item. For example, I didn't know that the rake was used to remove the debris left after harvest, I had to experiment with how things worked.

Crops with multiple harvests - I feel like crops with multiple harvest would be a nice feature, I was expecting corn to have multiple harvests. If this is implemented, then I think there should be some plants that have a maximum amount of harvests. Of course the selling price would be low, but the crop would pay off in the long run. Such as having a plant that like matures in 60 seconds, then continually produces more vegetables or fruit every 30 seconds for a max of 5 harvests would allow players to plan what crops they would want to grow.

Edit: about the negative money bug, I managed to easily replicate it. When starting a game, till the land and click on the corn, when you see the option to plant, click on the farm plot, then proceed to plant, the player would get -$200.

rarfushion responds:

Thank you for you detailed comment! I respond in order of you suggestions. I have a lot planned for this game but I'm not sure if I want to get back to work on it right away. Plots having an empty space isn't necessarily a bug but I do intend to fix it. I'll figure out the watering can problem I'm not sure why it's not working. It could be a lot of things making saving and loading not work, I think it's something on your end but I'll see if I can make it more compatible non the less. I'm having trouble figuring out how quickly I want the player to progress, I want the player to almost always be active but it also needs to last ect. I'll defiantly rebalanced to take in this suggestion. I thought the tools looked nice there but I look into giving them a dedicated spot. I literally added this and tested it just before release idk why it doesn't disappear. I have item descriptions in the tutorial but I'll make that more intuitive. I considered multiple harvests early on, I'll definitely come up with something.

Credits & Info

2.91 / 5.00

Sep 15, 2021
1:10 AM EDT