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Dead song by ???

August 6, 2021 –
May 9, 2024
This entry was deleted.

Here is its eulogy, a collection of the kind words written about it while still among the living. They shall live on forever in its place.

Author Comments

As I mention in the end of the video, I will explain how I end up with those demo's:

In 2015 I was in the audiovisual section of my University (Paul valéry - Montplellier : South of France) and I had a friend who was a "music producer". She was actually really good at it, finding studio for recording, places to do concert, arrangement with radio and all.

She was looking for someone to work on the band video clip, as they just recorded their first demo album in a studio and she trust me (little me) to do so because I had an end in short movie and just recently at the time, full lenght movie. She give me 4 demo's which they wanted a video clip on and I started to work on it.

However things get sour between my friend (the manager) and the band member. I can't remember if it was because she dated one of the member and broke up, or if it has to do with the leader (singer) who was know in the communauty to be unreliable and a control freak at the same time.

In the end, I just had time to draft them 2 story-board (they actually have) and my potential contract was shortly ended after that I leave for Paris (93) to get a ATD in editing.

I don't know if the band still exist, if they are active, if they publish their album in the end, HECK, I don't even know if they hired someone else to do the video-clip.

But I own them at least this one video clip (even if I had to do it in 5 hours).


Don't hesitate to give me clue on the comment section or on reddit r/lostmedia or R/lostwave or R/lostmusic and some other R/

I will do other animatic in the future so stay tuned! I see you soon.




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