You have to solve some clues, find a key and go out from room. Good luck!
I completed the game because I'm used to your puzzle, but pretty sure people will have trouble with the white bars one! :D
its a good game, but its a bit rough around the edges, the color square puzzle is broken, it only stays red, if you click it flashes black for a second and turns back red, and some of hte pzzles are confusing, first couple were great, then i hit a roadblock.
Cleverly hidden puzzles, only one that I personally struggled with was the red boxes. Was fun overall, clean graphics. I kept thinking I was missing something though because I had 4 inventory slots that never used more than 1.
You have lots of unique single roomed games that work. I think you could (should) start layering these into multi room experiences. ^_^
very fun