the ball in pong can literally be in out of bounds if you made enough speed for it
THE NEO OS 1. A scratch project/game developed and published by aceNEO/Lloytron.
It has files, photos, and even the hit 1979 PC game, Pong!
Developers Note:
Hey guys, aceNEO/Lloytron here, I know, I know, it's very bad, but just trust me on this one. I worked 4 weeks on this, and it's not even finished. Welp, have a good time on the neoOS!
the ball in pong can literally be in out of bounds if you made enough speed for it
not bad. as the previous review says you can easily trap the ball under the paddle, making it easy to get tons of points. when playing pong the ball can also become stuck in the bottom for a while. also noticed in ''fedora the math helper'' when you type infinity it just has the same value as 0, so infinity - 999 would be negative 999.
Thanks for the review! Remember, if you dont like this OS, consider trying the neoOS 2, its a better system than this!
not bad for an os but here are some points
* you can easily farm points on the pong game. the ball can somehow bounce more than one and you can easily trap the ball under the paddle to build up acceleration in which it breaks collision.
* fedora needs more validation detection if any other character is entered, like a letter entered as a parameter
Yes, thank you for the suggestions. I will start working on that!