There seems to be an issue when it comes to cards that effect other cards that makes the game difficult if not impossible to play. Whenever I click on the cards with a red border like it asks me to, it fails to register the input.
This game simulates the British war effort in Libya, Egypt, and the Eastern Mediterranean. The game uses deck builder mechanics, which is appropriate because Commonwealth forces needed to build an army that could stop Rommel and the Afrika Korps from scratch. Finding a way to get tanks, infantry, artillery, Englishmen, Australians, Frenchmen, and Indians to work together was a major undertaking. It took the Germans the better part of a decade to figure all of this out. The British pulled it off in two years. Intelligence plays a big part in this game: there are ways to see what your opponent will do, and knowing this gives you a big advantage. Good luck!
There seems to be an issue when it comes to cards that effect other cards that makes the game difficult if not impossible to play. Whenever I click on the cards with a red border like it asks me to, it fails to register the input.
Thanks for flagging. I found the bug, and I uploaded a fixed version.
I really like the concept, but the balance seems a little off to the easy side. Maybe a few more reinforcements for the German side to increase the pressure to reduce the troops might be good.
EDIT: Okay, now those Nazis feel much more dangerous!
OK, I made it a bit more balanced.