I love the game! But kindsa confused how I have no lag but not complaining lol
I love the game! But kindsa confused how I have no lag but not complaining lol
I love it!! it is very creative. I love the drawings details! The game challenges you to evaluate on how to solve every level. The game it's indeed slow, but might be related to the Wick Editor performance. This is a free app that uses java scrip language to program games and animations. It is very good at practicing programming things but it has its issues.
Regardless the WickEditor performance and only judging the game, for me you did an excellent job. Thank you for sharing this game in this community! 5/5.
Doesn't work in safari. Works in firefox but is painfully slow...
It only works in Chrome web browser.
Looks like a fun little platformer, but it runs at a very slow framerate for me to the point where it's unplayable. I'm not sure if it's my computer or not but I can usually play games on newgrounds no problems.
Yes, it is unfortune... It is because of the Editor in which was created.