Very nice and charming game, especially with the presentation of the concept through story and art and music, but I really sucked at the puzzles, haha! It's really difficult to solve the puzzles because they are not only very challenging and mysterious (for me at least, but maybe I'm overthinking them), but unless you know the layout of the house and what objects are even there, you don't even know what you can look for in the first place. I understand having the game on a timer to make it more challenging, but it did kinda stink that it just seemed to go by so fast and you weren't able to pause to read, even at the start. Having the two objectives of 1) find the object and 2) use the object in a location was a bit of an info overload initially as well: might work better to just be the one objective only to keep it simple. I did still like the game, and I understand the use of a timer to create a manic atmosphere (and I like the music's increasing intensity) but hoo boy was it rough at the start!
If I was to rework this, I think it would work better if in phase 1, where you are finding the object, you are given infinite time, but only three attempts at searching so you can't just search everything. Then, when you find the object, phase 2 would give you 30 seconds to find where you are supposed to use the object. I think that might give you the best of both worlds.