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Gladio's Adventure

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Gladio's adventure to reclaim his land from invading monsters.

Inspiration from Super Meat Boy, Kirby, and Hollow Knight. I also reused some assets from previous games.

Boss music and Title screen music - my real life pal Benjamin Wang https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCl3QNya9p-BJlk3zQO2mAyA

Jelly Castle orchestral - MDK

I'm still working on this game, so there will still be some bugs (Especially with the bosses).

I have also had some problems with the resolution, so FULLSCREEN GUI IS BUGGED

This is a short platformer, so save points aren't present (also because idk how to save with html5)


Arrow Keys - Move

E - Swing sword

Space - Jump

Boss strategies (this is my first time making bosses so dont judge me too hard on this please)

Kronos - Kronos will have time to pause and catch his breath; quickly land a couple of hits while he is in this state.

Necator King - Necator King does not have much health. He will randomly pop out of the ground; attack him just before he reenters the grounds, and while he is in the ground run from side to side to prevent him from suprising you. You can only damage his head. If you are not careful he can drain your health.

Gnat Monarch - Gnat Monarch has the lowest health out of all bosses, but makes up for it with fast attacks. You can tell when she is about to attack when she shakes violently. Attack her after her drills get stuck in the ground.

Null - Null is the only boss with two phases. His attacks in the first phase are slow; land a couple hits then move away after each attack. Second phase attacks much more rapidly.

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dude...this is amazing!!! the grapics are really good, and the attention to detail makes the animations even funnier. i hope you continue this.

nulledwine responds:

im really not proud of this one and will absolutely not continue it lol

well, not really hard. boss was easy and could be damage boosted, with the attack button sinmply held down.

also, first time I played, in first level, I jumped down to the left to the little monster there and was stuck cause I couldnt jump back up again

Very short. Only takes a few minutes to get trough all the levels.

Purple monster with horns is glitchy and always spazzing out until he notices you.

Bosses seemed a little too weak.

The worm boss sometimes spawns exit portal underground when defeated, making it impossible to continue.

Loved the art, some and blood effects, and how you can fling defeated bosses bodies around.

Would be even better with improved combat-system and more variety in levels and obstacles.

I think its cool. Maybe a little bit bugy, but still good.
Sorry, but I can't speak english. Im from Poland.

I really liked it! It played well for me. It took me about 4 tries to defeat the boss knight. Your graphics are great, your characters are quite adorable if I may say so. The only thing I would offer as criticism is the E key for striking and the space bar for jumping. Well done!

Credits & Info

3.51 / 5.00

May 3, 2020
7:44 PM EDT