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This game was made for the Game Breaker's Toolkit jam 2, where the goal was to make the worst possibl game: https://itch.io/jam/game-breakers-toolkit-jam-2

The year is 14040 AD, and the sky is now lava.

A mysterious hooded figure ponders the meaning of life before getting engulfed in flames. But how did we get there? And why is the sky lava? To understand this we must go back in time, where everything started.

The playable characters

iu_117171_7896144.gifThe hooded figure: A mysterious individual who is also the last person alive on the planet after the end of times. Tends to be regularly thrown into molten lava whenever the local god is angry, which is all the time.

iu_117172_7896144.gifADMA: The very first man. Created by the local god who needed someone to experience their world. Powers include: bouncing off walls, throwing knives, making babies.

iu_117173_7896144.gifEEV: The very first woman. Created by tearing out one of ADMA's ribs while he was still conscious. Powers include: flying, teleportation, psychic lasers, making babies. Be aware that EEV Is allergic to solid objects.

iu_117174_7896144.gif iu_117175_7896144.gifABLE and CNAIN: The sons of EEV and ADMA. They were both leading very happy lives, until CNAIN absolutely non-accidentally killed his brother. Because of this, CNAIN was condemned by his local god to eternally wander the earth and stay alive until the end of times.

iu_117176_7896144.gifMOOS: After many generations, God speaks to a man named ABRACADABRAHM and  makes a promise, or covenant, with him to make his descendants into a great nation and to give them a great land. ABRACADABRAHM shows strong faith in God, and God seals his promise with a number of signs and tests. This special covenant with God passes on to ABRACADABRAHM’s son, ISAAAAAAAAAAAC, and to his grandson, JACOOB. Together, they represent the patriarchs, or fathers, of the ISTHEELITE people. JACOOB’s twelve sons move to IJIPT after the youngest brother, JOJO, miraculously becomes a high official in IJIPT. The descendants of JACOOB’s children have become a vast people, but the Pharaoh of IJIPT holds them in slavery. God chooses one man, MOOS, to rescue the ISTHEELITES.  Inciting God’s wrath, the ISTHEELITES wander the wilderness for forty years in search of the promised land. MOOS continues his legendary leadership and miracles, until his death at the hands of 2TERONOMY. BTW this is 2TERONOMY, there is a boss fight with him at some point:


iu_117178_7896144.gifJIZZUS: The son of god. Powers include: walking on water, multiplying breads and fishes, kickstarting MLMs and pyramid schemes. Does not mix well with crosses.

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A glitchy, bug-ridden mess. Borderline-impossible to play. Cacophonous, dissonant noise that takes the place of music. Infuriating and difficult levels and nearly every aspect of awful game design I can think of. This truly might be the worst game I have ever played that could still be considered a game at all. 10/10

Took an hour or two, but I finally did it. I will consider this as my bible study for the week.

adriendittrick responds:

religions are amazing

Aight, I give up. You need god-level patience for this one...

adriendittrick responds:

yeah, this one was bad on purpose.

My first attempt at this I couldn't move, the second time I tried to play this the game refused to load. This isn't just bad, it's buggy. It does the job, although I kinda had a stroke reading the description.

adriendittrick responds:

it happens

P a i n
why oh why does a browser notification pop up every time i talk to a character, screwing up my inputs

h e l p m e eeeeeee ee ee

adriendittrick responds:

Ah yes, this game is NOT one of those I recommended X)
Basically what would happen if the creation god in my verse was a complete idiot.

Credits & Info

2.78 / 5.00

May 2, 2020
4:39 AM EDT