Great Christmas animation
Can Frosty and Karen use the "Magical Music Sunglasse to escape the evil Magician and save christmas?
Great Christmas animation
Real good
This was pretty damn good for a 2002 flash. I wonder what would have been if BIGT kept making flash animations.
why wasnt this on the front page?
dude, this is a classic, its funny as hell! and why this movie wasnt on the front page is beyond me, but it should be.
That was great, it had me in stitches
Now I see why NOT A MOVIE had such a low score, it used to be crap and then you replaced it with this brilliant piece of work, you might want to get NOT A MOVIE deleted and do it fast, it's against portal rules to swap out your old movies with something completely different and I wouldn't want you to lose your account or anything, I want to see more fine work of yours like this
If you want to get NOT A MOVIE deleted add the newgrounds site address to the start of this link it tells you what to do there /bbs/topic.php?id=241320.
Finally, it's been a while since I've seen a movie that's made me laugh so much, I've been hoping to see a damn great movie like this for weeks, you wouldn't believe the amount of crap I've seen recently, this has reminded me of why Newgrounds is so great it's because of quality flash like this. There was only one weak point to this movie and that was when the magician started playing guitar, but I only didn't like about 10 seconds of this movie, I loved the rest, it was funny how they all kept saying it was the little girl's fault, I seriously don't understand why this has such a low score this should be somewhere between 3.80 and 4.10 in my opinion, the only problem with this movie is that the sound quality wasn't that great and that it cut short at one point, but it's the story and the humor that's what makes movies great and this definitely ahd the humor. Anyway well done, great job, keep up the good work.
Peace Out, Afro Stud
That was funny. Who is her baby's father?