every 90s sitcom in a nutshell
"The Summer and Winter Show" - Official pilot episode created by Meg Oswalt and Andres Guerrero
Two personified seasons, Summer and Winter, find themselves as unlikely roommates in this animated 90’s Sitcom-style parody.
In this episode, Winter is looking for a new roommate to keep her company. Unfortunately, she’s paired up her complete polar opposite, Summer! Chaos ensues between the two forces of nature. Can Summer take a chill pill, or will Winter have a meltdown?
Youtube Link: https://youtu.be/p8BQlxI7Q1k
Official Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/SummerWinterShow/
Meg Oswalt
- Website: megoswalt.com
- Instagram: @sweet.biscotti
- Twitter: @Meoswalt
Andres Guerrero
- Website: andyl4nd.com
- Instagram: @andyl4nd
- Twitter: @AndyL4nd
Produced at Ringling College of Art and Design
Music by Terry Silverlight
Voice Talent:
Summer - Ileana Baumann
Winter - Sogie Ekhosuehi
Radio Voice - Andres Guerrero
© Meg Oswalt and Andres Guerrero 2019
every 90s sitcom in a nutshell
The laugh-tracks hold me back from giving it a better score.
i love summer's suitcase that is all..
ha ha! what a twist!
That's amazing! Jokes and story fits perfectly how a TV series should be, but the best part is the twist at the end, it is just perfect. Well done!