It is awesome but i rage too much sometimes and when i jump sometimes it doesnt.
This is my first game in Construct 3 . It's just a try! Don't think that this is a real game (o_o)
P.S.NEW BIG UPGRADE! Don't worry, I'll add other thinks
later. I just wanted to upgrade the design and animations. Hope you understand me:)
It is awesome but i rage too much sometimes and when i jump sometimes it doesnt.
Than's for your funny comment :)
i do too love taking pills
:edit I NEED MORE PIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIILS (i will now rate this game 4.99999 stars until you add more ):<)
I'll add VERY many pills for you:)
Nice game but after dying the menu button was a bit glitchy other than that nice game
Thank's for your comment! I'll necessarily fix it soon ;)
kirill krutaya igra dlya nochala, no vo vremya dvijenia pol podprigivaet. i muzika pizdes gromko
Spasibo za otziv , budu staratsa i ispravlat oshibki
I would be nice to use WASD instead or arrows
No problem , I'll fix it :)