hahahahha yees
hahahaha theyre dead all of them hahahaha finaly YEAH
A guy gets a message from God. Sorta like that movie fraility but this is more violent.
UPdate::: I know its an MP5 but really guys if ur being shot are u gonna know what gun is shooting at you?
Update:::: I love the clock crew. THe clock crew loved this movie. It even on their BBS as "A good Anticlock movie" I was a clock you know so dont get offended like soup clock did
hahahahha yees
hahahaha theyre dead all of them hahahaha finaly YEAH
mushroom clock noooooooo
why mushroom clock and that gun looks nothing like a uzi i looks like a gun u got form ur ass
hahahahahaha that was so bad. i was staring in awe of how terrible it was until i heard him say "please dont kill us, we'll suck your penis" and i broke out laughing.
haha. totally caught me off guard.
i still laugh just thinking about it. good job. 10
bad, but funny
offended? slitely. laughed? you bet
probably the only anti-clock movie that i found quite humorous.
i dont mind if you blast the CC.
graphics-needed some better graphics, sound-a but low, style-(who hasnt hated us before), humor- twas funny
"im not in credits? i had the frickin magnum!"
I mean, if you're going to diss the clock crew. Fine, noones stopping you. But to make an Anti-clock movie like this when 89% of clock movies are 10 times better (Besides the spammy movies). Is just bad.
- The soon to be AngryClock