Very Funny I have no brain
OH NO! After making two hours of progress in Wild Woody, Chris has only gone and wiped all of DingDong's hard work! WHAT WILL HE DO ABOUT THIS?
Additional Music from the Oney Music Soundcloud
I've been working on this on and off for ages what with work and everything else affecting its production, but it's finally here. Also in dedication to DingDong and Julian now daparted OneyPlays and the Los Angeles area and finally being able to work on their projects under Wan Wan Games stress free. Thanks for all the chuckles and funny screams you two. ♥
Very Funny I have no brain
I loved that little side animation at the end.
I look forward to seeing their funny bouncing boxer bunny Bippy boy, along with anything else they've planned!
ding dong looks absolutely amazing and so does everything else this animation has to offer. Im just not used to seeing Chris as a normal human being.
So this was pretty amausing stuff here, the visuals are amazing on this one, love the characters and the lighting effects are really nice some possble subtitles for the dialog would have been nice on this, but anyways a fun film you have here hope to see more.
would love some subtitles