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Suicidal Knight

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Made for the Ludum Dare 43: Sacrificies must be made
( /!\ this is the original jam submission)

We decided to do a quest in a dungeon with enemy waves. Each time you end a wave you need to sacrifice some of your stuffs (or more?)
Will you be able to finish it and kill the boss? :)

WASD (or ZQSD): to move
left-click: to attack (you can hold it)
scroll wheel: to chose between the sword and the bow
esc: to get back to menu

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I was expecting way better.
It literally just gives me a black screen with only the stats on ( Health, Equipment, etc. ).
I can still hear the sound effects, but i can't play it.
It's as if I'd try to play it while being blindfolded.
I'm truely sorry, but I'll have to rate 1/5.
I hope this will get fixed, If it will, then I'll gladly change my rating.

Edit: I clicked the link in the description, and I found the itch.io download.
I'll load the game, and I'll see if it works there. I'll change the rating if it does.

Edit 2: Nope, It wont work.

Edit 3: I found this in my notifications thingy on newgrounds, and I decided to give this game a second try. Apparently it works! honestly, the gameplay itself is pretty okay, I'd say it deserves 4/5 stars.

punknower responds:

Sorry GamerBoi for the inconvenience, I don't understand what happened on your side with that. I tried on different computers with different browsers and it didn't recreate your issue.
To be honest i'm not sure that we would fix it or touche the game anymore as it was for a game jam and it seems to work for others.
That being said it's okay with your rating and again i'm sorry for that.

Thank you for the heads up.

I don't know, I thought it was pretty easy. Cool idea too.

punknower responds:

Thank you, you were too good :)


punknower responds:


it's a good concept but it's unnecessarily hard.

punknower responds:

I agree with you. I will keep that feedback for future projects. Thank you.

You made the same mistake that most top down games have, WAY TOO HARD. I like the idea of sacrficing items, But seriously? Game: shield or feet? me:-_- At first I was thinking of doing no stars to teach you a lesson but then I realized that I was being a huge douche. And I realized that the game was halfway average. One thing I really wanted to complain about is the rock spitters.
Level: 6 Me: Oh boi I'm finally gonna beat this game! Game: heheheheheehehehehehehheheheehehehehehhehehehheh. Me: There's 2 of them!? How do I dodge xd omg lol #lol newb. You get the point. Still, good game I guess but 4 words. NERF. LEVEL. FREAKING. 6.

punknower responds:

Thanks for your feedback :)
You are being too nice on the score so i'm surprised but already thank you for having tried the game.
Yes there is some balance issues and I doubt I would fix them because it's the original jam game. Therefore I would take what you say into consideration for future projects. But of course I get what you mean and I understand that it can be frustrating at times.
Anyway glad you wrote me. Take care.

Credits & Info

3.32 / 5.00

Dec 3, 2018
4:31 PM EST